What are some techniques for caressing during sex? What should I pay attention to when using sex toys?

What is the technique of caressing sex? Passionate sex begins by slowly arousing a woman's sexual desire. Caressing is an essential step in sexual foreplay. Petting is not great at touching a woman's body. Petting also requires some skill. ​Then what is the technique of caressing during sex?

1. Inventory of caressing skills during sex

1. ​Alter the intensity of your kiss

Lips, so to speak, a woman has a sexy point, otherwise women would not like to kiss so often. It is recommended that you try to vary the intensity of your kissing, being extra gentle at first, then warmer, and then gradually gentler. Kiss her on the lips, then kiss her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, nose, neck, and earlobes. It works better if you don't let your hands wander around for a few minutes (focusing exclusively on the kiss) and wait for her to signal that she's ready.

2. Gently rub the scalp with your hands.​

Have you ever noticed how women love to play with their hair and scratch their scalp? They do it because it makes them feel safe. She likely wants you to play, too. The scalp is extremely sensitive to irritation and she may not think you want to take care of it, thus this move will surprise her. You can run your fingers through her hair as you kiss her, or gently rub her scalp with your hands. You can also wash or blow dry her hair (whatever it is, you will never please her). It's a great way to enhance the feeling.

3. Massage her lower back

Many people don't notice this sexy zone, though it's not completely accidental. It is suggested that you put her in bed (or you) and massage her back, which will bring her unexpected happiness. It is also abundant in nerve endings and is a stressful site that can make her feel extremely warm and relaxed. Not only that, but it also helps with sexual arousal. Because massage promotes blood circulation and pelvic congestion. At first, apply steady, moderate pressure with your fingertips. If she likes it, you can add some power.

4. Rub your buttocks

The female buttocks are also a highly vital sexual area. It is also one of the most popular female body parts for all men to look at and touch, and is fatally attractive to men. At the same time, numerous women also prefer men. Note that this part may be further than you think. You can work harder and not be as careful as a breast. You can knead or press, or slap......​ with varying amounts of force However, the most effective way is to touch the buttocks from the lower back.

What should I pay attention to when using a sex toy or a sex doll warehouse?

1. Use lubricating oil when using marital sex products.​

If long-term use of marital sex products, will cause all kinds of swelling, pain, inflammation of male and female organs, and even serious harm to health. Using lubricants, by effectively reducing friction, can best solve this problem so that you can enjoy it for a long time without worrying about endangering reproductive health.

2. Cleaning

Since most sexual products come into direct contact with the sexual organs, special care needs to be taken in terms of cleanliness and hygiene. If it is not disposable, it should be cleaned after each use. If the application of silica gel is lower than 80℃ temperature, boil water after cleaning and drying naturally; ​sexual objects that enter the body should be used with condoms.

The use of sex products is nothing more than to increase the stimulation of husband and wife life, enhance the relationship between husband and wife, but this effect no longer exists after excessive use, even disgust. The most valuable thing between a couple is the relationship.

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