What are the determinants of solar panel size?

As mentioned before, to calculate the power according to the area of the solar panel, there is a formula: estimate the solar panel power = surface area [length (cm)* width (cm)] *0.1* conversion efficiency. From this formula can be drawn that the size of solar panels is related to the area and the conversion efficiency of solar cells inside, solar panels and solar cables for sale related to this production line.

This depends on what you are charging the solar panel, the amount of electricity required by the electronic device every day. If it is difficult to calculate the daily amount of electricity, you can calculate the monthly amount of electricity, and then calculate the daily amount based on that month. In the case of rooftops, with this data, we can easily figure out how many solar panels you need by multiplying your hourly energy consumption by the amount of sunlight hitting your available roof area, and then dividing that number by the wattage of the panels.

0c51eb636a621156788af4cf494101172. Conversion efficiency of battery sheet

As mentioned before, the conversion efficiency of single crystal in mass production is about 19-20%, and the calculated value is about 19%. The conversion efficiency of polycrystalline is 17-19%, and the calculated value is generally about 18%. The conversion efficiency of Sunpowe is 21-22%, and the value is generally about 21% (the actual conversion efficiency shall prevail). Then, other things being equal, the area of the solar panel will naturally be small if the conversion efficiency of the cell is high, and the opposite is true if the conversion efficiency is low.

3. Roof area and shading (take the roof for example, if it is other (street lights, etc.), this also needs to be considered.

The amount of roof space available for solar panels and the amount of sunlight that hits the area are critical in determining energy output. Fortunately, in Sun Valley, we have over 300 sunny days a year. So the most important thing for us is to avoid shade. Trees, adjacent buildings, chimneys, and other structures can reduce panel output. Our solar integrator does a thorough shading analysis during the free quote process.

Price of 4.

The greater the power, the more expensive the natural price. The higher the conversion efficiency, the more expensive the same surface area. (Of course, there are other factors that affect the price of solar panels, as we mentioned earlier.)

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